If your property or home was built prior to 1978, you and your tenants are at risk. We’re here to help and we can do it with no out-of-pocket costs* to you.

The CEDO Lead Program is a housing program within the City of Burlington Community & Economic Development Office (CEDO). Funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the Lead Program received its first Lead Hazard Control Grant in 2003.

Currently, the Lead Program has $2,900,000 to reduce lead-based paint hazards in pre-1978 homes, as well as to provide education and outreach to residents to help keep families and households safe from lead poisoning. The Lead Program can also provide a Healthy Home Assessment and provide guidance on how this holistic approach can be beneficial to your family’s health.

We offer many FREE services that are available to any resident of Burlington and Winooski regardless of whether you’re eligible or enrolled in the Lead Program. All of the Lead Program funding that is provided towards a Lead Hazard Reduction project is 100% FORGIVABLE**. Call us today at 865-5323!

*Dependent on the circumstance

**100% forgiveness available after meeting program criteria

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